'A B to Jay-Z' by The Little Homie - IMBOLDN
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‘A B to Jay-Z’ by The Little Homie

Help your children learn their ABCs and the thug life simultaneously.

There are the traditional rhymes and standalone classics to help children learn the ABCs, and then there is A B to Jay-Z by The Little Homie. This book won’t feature “A is for Apple,” and you certainly won’t see “Z is for Zebra” within its pages. What you will find is “B is for Beyoncé,” and “T is for Tupac.” Complete with illustrations and a trip down memory lane for many hip hop, rap, and R&B fans, this book is as amusing as a children’s book can be.

Whether you want to give your youngsters a diverse musical education from day one or you want them to know that it’s okay to color outside of the lines, A B to Jay-Z by The Little Homie is the perfect guide to helping them learn their ABCs in a new way. Who knows, maybe one day when they grow up to join the ranks of world famous athletes and are constantly asked about their playlists before the big game, they might just say with a smile, “I just follow the greats in A B to Jay-Z,” and that is as good a shoutout as “hi Dad.”