Studio Bottger Karou Side Table - IMBOLDN
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Studio Bottger Karou

Studio Bottger Karou Side Table

The Studio Bottger Karou Side Table is a stunning minimalist table that hides storage space under a rotating lid.

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A table that hides additional storage space under a rotating lid, the Studio Bottger Karou Side Table can either be left open or closed using an invisible revolving fitting that allows panels to seamlessly slide over each other, much like a bookshelf that suddenly transforms into a door. Store away remote controls, coffee table books, or any unsightly object that clashes with your interior.

If you have cats, the Studio Bottger Karou Side Table might as well be a castle with secret passages. The upper section of the table is fixed, so that objects can remain safely in place on the tabletop (ignoring, of course, cats’ ability to knock over priceless items while leaving the dollar store trinkets intact).

Available in black or light grey, the grain of the ash wood is still visible and adds a touch of old-world charm. The Studio Bottger Karou side Table is a stunning minimalist piece that can fit in any home.